Category: Side Dish

Dang good Mexican Street Corn on the Cob

Sweet Corn or how I love sweet corn. Sweet corn is fresh for the picking right now, and I wanted to share one of my families favorite way to eat it! Memory Lane I have lots of really great memories of this time of year and picking sweet corn....

Sugar Snap Peas with Bacon

It is interesting how so many people right now are trying to do the same thing (staying home, staying safe) but are have so many different experiences with it. I have had many people tell me that they don’t know what to do that they are so bored (and...

Amazing Spinach Rice

This is one of my favorite rice recipes that I make, it is full of flavor. Those of you who have followed me along with my recipes know that I love to get greens to my kids whenever I can, and this recipe checks that box without having complaints...

Our Favorite Valentines Day Recipes and Traditions

One of my favorite holidays is fast approaching. Valentine’s day is in just a few days and I wanted to share our favorite family traditions on this holiday.  My husband gets something small for the girls while I get something small for our son. Usually, consist of a small...