Sweet and Spicy Bacon

We have a restaurant by us that has this bacon they call Million Dollar Bacon that is spicy and sweet. We love it but since we don’t eat out much in the first place I wanted to create my own version that would taste just as good. My version...

My Favorites at Thrive Market

Okay I get asked all the time what I get at Thrive and I just got a box so I thought I would put all my favorites into one spot for you all. I cannot say enough good things about this company, not only do they offer amazing products...

Blackberry Lemon Protein Shake

Detox from Halloween and Stress Eating If you have spent the weekend eating all your kids junk from Halloween, along with stress eating with the upcoming election. This protein shake is a great way to start your day off right tomorrow.  Or my other favorite protein shake. No matter...

Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins (and Paleo)

I have never been a fan of muffins for breakfast, please don’t hate me. I just always felt like they were more of a treat then breakfast, and though this recipe doesn’t make me feel differently about that I can feel better about my kids eating them for breakfast...

Paleo Chick-fil-A Copycat Chicken Strips

Anybody else so ready for this election to be over. I know I am, election year and pandemic should not be allowed to happen in the same year! Don’t worry I am not going to get political. I am a firm believer in our American right to vote for...

Best Paleo Pancakes Ever

Okay the search is over, after what it feels like a million different attempts at paleo pancakes, this one has finally hit all the qualities I wanted. Delicious, smooth, and fluffy, you and your family won’t even realize that you are having paleo pancakes that have no white flour...

Dang good Mexican Street Corn on the Cob

Sweet Corn or how I love sweet corn. Sweet corn is fresh for the picking right now, and I wanted to share one of my families favorite way to eat it! Memory Lane I have lots of really great memories of this time of year and picking sweet corn....

Limeade Protein Shake

Let us take a minute to talk about protein shakes, shall we. Protein shakes can be a great way to pack in a lot of nutrients into one meal that can help feed your gut, control your hunger as well as stabilize your insulin. They can also be a...

Gluten-free Banana Bread Oat Cake

These bars are one of my go to snacks for my kids, (also are great for breakfast) when I have bananas that are past eating plain (anyone else family not touch a banana that has started to get brown spots) My family will not touch a banana when it...

Healthy Orange Chicken Take-out

Been awhile since I have posted a recipe, and I don’t really have a lot of excuses given that our summer plans mostly involved just staying home. We did make it to my husbands family cabin a few times which was a very nice change of scenery. I have...