Easy and Best Biscuits I have ever made

My family loves the frozen Pillsbury dough biscuits, but if you have ever looked at the ingredient list you know that it is not a pretty list (hydrogenated oil, DATEM) yuck. I really wanted a recipe that my family would love without the added junk in most premade biscuits....

Mexican Layered Beef Casserole

You will want to start off this recipe by toasting the rice until it is a deep golden color. I know it can be tempting to skip this step but it really does add lots of flavor, as well as break down the cell wall so that the rice...

Brussels Sprout Salad

How we holding up friends? I won’t lie I have good days and bad, days that I find myself slipping down a wormhole, of this never ending and my house walls collapsing in on me (it is a dark hole) 😲 I try really hard to try and end...

Sugar Snap Peas with Bacon

It is interesting how so many people right now are trying to do the same thing (staying home, staying safe) but are have so many different experiences with it. I have had many people tell me that they don’t know what to do that they are so bored (and...

The Best Ham (crumb-cooked)

Easter is only a couple of weeks away. Though it seems like everything is turned around I am trying to keep my kids life as normal as possible. Today our school system announced that they will not be returning back this school year (which is honestly what I figured...

Instant pot or Slow cooker Carnitas Kale Salad

Another really easy and delicious recipe coming at you. This can be made in a slow cooker or your instant pot(for when you forget to put it in your slow cooker in time) 😉 Don’t tell me I’m the only one this happens to all the time. Don’t leave...

Swedish Pancakes

These are crazy times right now😳🤯 I would never have thought that this year was going to start out with the Coronavirus putting us in lockdown in our homes, or that it would have put so many companies having to change the way they operate or close down. I...

Honey Almond Granola (My Absolute favorite Granola)

I love this granola recipe, it is really easy to just throw together and making it at home guarantees that you know exactly what ingredients are in it and that they are all high-quality ingredients. There are so many packages out there that can portray healthy on their labels...

Amazing Spinach Rice

This is one of my favorite rice recipes that I make, it is full of flavor. Those of you who have followed me along with my recipes know that I love to get greens to my kids whenever I can, and this recipe checks that box without having complaints...

Super Easy and Delicious Breakfast Tacos

This recipe comes together super fast and is really easy. A great recipe for when you forgot to pull out the meat for you planned dinner and its already 5 pm. I have been there more then I would like to admit.😉 I have all of these ingredients usually...